RE: Marquart, David (1778)

Wurtemburg, NY. 

Overall design: Heavy weight incised. Serifs are thick bracketed. Very little contrast between thick and thin stems. German language. No indication of word spacing except on second line after surname when a midpoint is used. Areas around lettering are cut on low relief.
Letterform characteristics: High vertex of letter (M). Reversed letter (N). Variation to letterform (B) where bowls are both joined and separated. Broken/downward forked crossbar of (A). Letter (R) leg is curved and does not joins at the stem. Two tails on the (Q) at base and mid stem? Letter (V) used for (U). Dot/tittle above letter (i) and numeral (1). Unusual numeral (8) where top counter is open and stroke is serifed. Curved bar of (7). All three numerals connect at the base serif (177).

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RE: Barnett, James (1776) and Barnet, Martha (1775)

Lancaster, SC.

Overall design: Large and small caps and lowercase incised serif. A mixture of modern and archaic letter forms. Outline shape forming a design area around the lettering including descenders. Midpoints and multiple dots used for word on first and second line. Single marker commemorating two family members.
Letterform characteristics: Upward fork to crossbar of (H) with swash on left stem. Ligature (AD) has downward fork to crossbar of (A). Large cap used as initial letter (J) with square tail. Use of dot over the letter (i) note on fifth line the dot appears above the line. Use of apostrophe. The letter (W) is a modern style where the diagonal stroke at center extends beyond the vertex. Cap (F) has a short horizontal bar extending to the right from the foot in word (OF). Base of numeral (2) is angled downward. Martha Barnet stone – closed loop on tail of (y) and straight left stem to the (u), both appear on the last line.

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